How does one photograph a house?

10:38 AM

This morning I've been searching through the internet to find ideas for photographing houses. Houses you may ask. Yes, houses. I got a call from my aunt yesterday asking if I could photograph a house she's putting on the market sometime this coming week and sure, why not? It's really cool, but it's not something that I've ever done. 

Shooting stationary objects has always been a little difficult for me. People, I can do. Things... not so much. Because it's not like I can just tell the house to pose like this, or spin around, or smile or act dramatic. Therefore, I've been scouring for tips and tricks -- lighting suggestions, ways to use the space. Symmetry is key. 

I probably won't post the pics here for all to see, but maybe I can post a link to the posting when my aunt lists the house? I check and see what protocol is here, haha! 

Thanks for reading! 

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