Pop! Surprise!

6:49 PM
I just wouldn't be me if I didn't take six months to blog, right? Hmm, so what's been going on, you might ask?

Lots of things. Work, taking a few pictures, hanging out, going on crazy adventures, spending way too much money and not saving enough.

If we're close, then you may know how terrible last week was for me. Starting Memorial day and on, it was just... hell. But on Wednesday something amazing happened. A friend asked me to do her a favor and take the tickets and hotel room she'd already paid for and go in her place to the Virginia Beach Patriotic Festival. She asked me this as a FAVOR. She couldn't go anymore due to a new job and didn't want the tickets to go to waste. And when she asked me to go, she basically said to me that I was the only person she knew who'd really appreciate it. And Emily, I really did. Thank you so much. It was honestly the best kind of distraction I needed from the hellish week I'd had.

*Insert my Billy Mays voice* But wait! There's more!

Friday night, Chris Young was singing and through some elbow throwing and running like crazy on soft sand (which is never easy, by the way), we managed to make it right up front in the middle of the stage. I'm talking, pressed up against the gate, bouncers holding us back kind of close. Gentry had meet and greet passes for him and so we knew we were going to have to save her spot when she left. After thirty minutes or so, we got to chatting with a few people next to us, who also happened to be from Richmond (hey!), and turns out she had meet and greets too! So we agreed to form a wall to save their two spots while they went to meet Chris.

Long story short, they were just getting ready to leave to meet Chris, when the girl we'd just met turned to me and said, "I don't think I'm going to go" (she'd already met him once before, and didn't want to miss the performers before him, who were about to go on). And I was thinking, "Oh good, we have more people to save the spot for Gen." But instead, the took her meet and greet wristband out of the envelope and offered it to me, asking me if I wanted to go.

I started tearing up.

Because this whole thing was just too much.

Of course I said yes, gathered myself up, hugged the girl I barely knew, and Gen and I took off to meet Chris.

He's. So. Freaking. Tall.

You can really ignore my very large cheesy smile. I was excited, alright? 

But anyway, the point is, the whole weekend was totally a Godsend. Because everything just fell right into place. Like Emily told me, it all worked out a little too perfectly for it to not have already been planned. 

So thank you God, for giving me a beautiful ending to an otherwise crappy week. And thank you Emily for thinking of me! 

Here's to the New Year!

4:19 PM

Yes, I do this all the time. The "I'm sorry, but I'm back for good" spiel, but this time I'm really going to try to keep it up! Blogging is so therapeutic for me. I mean, come on, talking about myself? What else could be better? I sound so conceited sometimes, but I promise you, I'm not. The holidays were fun. Got to spend time with family, had a great night New Year's Eve with friends.

2015 was... to sum it up, it was a year of new. I got out of my comfort zone a little bit. Met amazing new people and tried new things, even if I wasn't exactly 100% sure about them. But I did it! I'm really hoping that 2016 will be just like this but even better!

As every New Year begins, I find myself making a list of resolutions. But this year I'm not doing that. No one actually ever keeps their resolution anyway. It's a novelty idea for the month of January (heck, maybe even for the first week in January). It's enough to take a few Instagram shots of you in the gym mirror, white girl status of grabbing a fat-free Starbucks latte afterward for a little bit before life catches up with us.

So no. I'm not making any resolutions. But I am preparing myself to make a few lifestyle changes. It's like going on a diet. It works until you're not on a diet anymore. It's not a diet, people. It's a lifestyle change.

And so, here I go.

  • Worry less & pray more.
  • Stress less & do more.
  • Talk less & listen more.
  • Judge less & love more.
Sometimes I get so caught up in me, and what the rest of the world says or wants or believes and I forget about what God wants for me. I can honestly say this past year, I prayed for a few signs. And when I got them... I ignored them because they weren't the signs I wanted. 

This year will be different.

Thank you so much for listening to my rants!