Yes, I do this all the time. The "I'm sorry, but I'm back for good" spiel, but this time I'm really going to try to keep it up! Blogging is so therapeutic for me. I mean, come on, talking about myself? What else could be better? I sound so conceited sometimes, but I promise you, I'm not. The holidays were fun. Got to spend time with family, had a great night New Year's Eve with friends.
2015 was... to sum it up, it was a year of new. I got out of my comfort zone a little bit. Met amazing new people and tried new things, even if I wasn't exactly 100% sure about them. But I did it! I'm really hoping that 2016 will be just like this but even better!
As every New Year begins, I find myself making a list of resolutions. But this year I'm not doing that. No one actually ever keeps their resolution anyway. It's a novelty idea for the month of January (heck, maybe even for the first week in January). It's enough to take a few Instagram shots of you in the gym mirror, white girl status of grabbing a fat-free Starbucks latte afterward for a little bit before life catches up with us.
So no. I'm not making any resolutions. But I am preparing myself to make a few lifestyle changes. It's like going on a diet. It works until you're not on a diet anymore. It's not a diet, people. It's a lifestyle change.
And so, here I go.
- Worry less & pray more.
- Stress less & do more.
- Talk less & listen more.
- Judge less & love more.
Sometimes I get so caught up in me, and what the rest of the world says or wants or believes and I forget about what God wants for me. I can honestly say this past year, I prayed for a few signs. And when I got them... I ignored them because they weren't the signs I wanted.
This year will be different.
Thank you so much for listening to my rants!